12U Blue About Collapse 12U Blue is a Tier II youth team that competes in the CBHL 12U Upper Patrick division and the AHF 12U Gretzky division. Head Coach - Nick Keppler Expand Contact: nick.keppler@tricityeagles.com Assistant Coaches Expand William Bohlayer - bill.bohlayer@tricityeagles.com Dominic Sciorilli - sciorillidominic84@gmail.com Dave Tran - david.tran@tricityeagles.com Team Manager Expand Justin Couture - couturejg@gmail.com Roster Standings and Rankings CBHL Standings AHF Standings MyHockey Maryland 12U Rankings Upcoming Games All TCE Teams HomeYouth TravelGirls TravelIntro to HockeyHouse HockeySpring TeamsCamps & ClinicsScheduleResourcesAbout UsAlumni